When James Jones suspected he had a circulation problem in his legs, his physician referred him to Nadim Geloo, MD, interventional cardiologist at Halifax Regional. “It was difficult to walk distances without stopping,” James says. “Just walking from my car into work or walking across the parking lot at Wal-Mart, I had to stop because my legs just gave out on me.”
Dr. Geloo diagnosed blockages in both of James’ legs but was required to perform the corrective procedure at a hospital out of town. The Cardiac & Vascular Center at Halifax Regional was not open yet. “When patients have to travel out of the area for procedures, it creates a hardship on them and on their families and friends,” Dr. Geloo said. “I’ve even had patients refuse to have treatments done because they had no one to transport them to another facility. Our Cardiac & Vascular Center is a major step forward for everyone in our community.”
While James Jones didn’t have the opportunity to take advantage of the convenience of Halifax Regional’s Cardiac & Vascular Center, he urges anyone who’s having circulation problems to seek medical advice. “I can walk now without pain, tingling or numbness,” he said. “I hope I never have a problem like this again. But if I do, I’m glad Dr. Geloo is here to help, and I’ll be a lot more comfortable having treatment here in my hometown.”