The DAISY Award Nomination Home / Patient & Visitor Information / The DAISY Award Nomination Share:013 Want to Say Thank You to Your Nurse? Share Your Story! The DAISY Award The DAISY Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide everyday. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System. Please say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference you will never forget! The DAISY Award is given quarterly to an outstanding nurse at Halifax Regional. I would like to thank nurse (name): First Last From this unit:Share Your Story:Please describe a specific situation or story that demonstrates how this nurse made a meaningful difference in your care:Tell Us About YourselfThank you for taking the time to nominate an extraordinary nurse for this award. Please tell us about your self, so that we may include you in the celebration of this award should be the nurse you nominated is chosen. Name: First Last Patient Name (optional): First Last Date: Phone:Email: I am:Please check one. Patient Visitor MD Staff Volunteer EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.